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The new technology of bio based ethylene

Website:   Release Time: 2014-12-18

According to the report, ethylene is the petrochemical products of the leading. Almost all are from the beginning of the production of ethylene petrochemical products. With the development of renewable energy to become the main focus of fuel production, now the dehydrogenation of ethanol into ethylene (E2E) technology, Atol ethanol conversion to ethylene (E2E) is the development of bio based ethylene technology and other new.
BP's Downstream technology company announced its "green" ethylene production process at the end of 2013, named "hummingbird". After 10 years of research and development, BP successfully developed the process optimization, for dehydrogenation of ethanol in a mild operating conditions and high performance HPA catalyst. This process, first of all to ethanol dehydration production ether intermediate product, and through the production of vinyl ether dehydration. How to adjust the process condition was the key process, to avoid the unwanted by-products. The Atol process consists of total and IFPEN cooperation and development. Total in the Belgian Fe LUy Research Center has developed a high performance catalyst formulation of ATO201, IFPEN was improved to new technology, especially the performance of energy recovery, IFPEN subsidiary Axens is based on the energy efficiency improvement of the catalyst formulation and process flow chart. The bio ethylene process can direct and downstream production device integration. Has now developed the integrated process of biological EO.
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