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Asia Chemical Ruoshi add bright

Website:   Release Time: 2014-12-18

The global economic downturn continued, the global chemical market demand remains weak, but Asia perform not so bad. The three quarter, chemical enterprises in parts of Asia to benefit from the device by using improved profitability rate level rises and the product factors highlighted in ruoshi. At the same time, also some national chemical enterprises encounter a profit decline, such as South korea. In view of these findings is not a performance, the industry said that the chemical enterprises should actively respond to international negative effects, and according to their own actual situation, the path to find the most suitable for the development of enterprises, and constantly create profit, for example, focusing on Gao Yingli capacity products, peel less profitable business department, improve the utilization rate, saving the production cost by saving energy and reducing consumption production equipment.
Japan earnings gratifying
In September 30th this year off this year first half of the year, including Mitsubishi chemical, chemical, Sumitomo Mitsui Chemicals, Asahi Kasei, Shin Etsu chemical, Dongli industrial, Kuraray and Nippon Shokubai Co., Japan's main chemical enterprise's profit and sales revenue showed growth.
Mitsubishi chemical parent company Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation net profit grew 22%, reach 33300000000 yen; sales revenue increased 3.8%, to 1.67 trillion yen; operating profit year-on-year increase of 43%, to 73700000000 yen. Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation says, this year first half of the year the company strong performance is mainly because of strong demand for polymer processing products and industrial materials business profit improvement. Net profit in part because of strong growth is the sale of fixed assets gains.
Sumitomo chemical this fiscal year first half net profit year-on-year increase of 81%, to 22600000000 yen; sales revenue increased 7.4%, to 1.13 trillion yen. Business basic chemical first half of the year Sumitomo chemical under achieved sales revenue increased 13% over the same period, to 154900000000 yen, operating loss of 3910000000 yen, 4790000000 yen operating loss than the same period last year reduced. Sumitomo chemical said that the first half of the company under the flag of methyl methacrylate (MMA) sales revenue growth, mainly because of sales prices and sales have increased, while the sales price of synthetic fiber raw materials remained in the doldrums, while sales also fell.
The first half of Asahi Kasei company achieved net profit growth of 6.3%, rose to 49500000000 yen; sales revenue increased 5.2% to 966900000000 yen. Asahi Kasei chemicals and fiber's business to achieve sales revenue increased 4.5%, to 477500000000 yen, but operating profit fell 3.6%, to 26600000000 yen.
Dongli Industrial Company first half net profit year-on-year increase of 41%, to 41300000000 yen; sales revenue increased 11% over the same period, to 947900000000 yen. Sales grow 47% to achieve carbon fiber composite materials business of industry of Dongli under the flag of 76600000000 yen; operating profit year-on-year increase of 66%, to 11800000000 yen. Dongli industry said that the carbon fiber composite material continued strong growth in the aerospace, automotive and energy applications. Achieve sales revenue during the first half of the Dongli industry under plastic and chemical business increased 8%, to 246200000000 yen; operating profit year-on-year increase of 30%, to 11700000000 yen. Dongli industry under fiber and textile business has achieved sales revenue growth of 15%, to 386200000000 yen; but operating profit fell 5.9% to 22800000000 yen. Dongli industry said, affected by the consumption tax hike, the Japanese domestic clothing application field sales remain sluggish, and the sales performance in industrial applications in the domain of strong, mainly by the sales of automobile application field of strong push. Raw material and fuel prices high squeezing the profitability of the business. Sales grow 47% to achieve carbon fiber composite materials business of industry of Dongli under the flag of 76600000000 yen; operating profit year-on-year increase of 66%, to 11800000000 yen.
Japan catalytic company first half net profit more than doubled, to 7470000000 yen; sales revenue increased by 36.6% year-on-year to reach 179300000000 yen. For this fiscal year, Japan catalyst expected net profit will reach 20000000000, sales income will reach 370000000000 yen.
Mitsui Chemicals first half sales revenue grew 6%, reach 776000000000 yen, 7400000000 yen net profit year-on-year realization, the realization of losses.
Shin Etsu chemical first half sales revenue grew 5.5%, reach 603700000000 yen; to achieve net profit year-on-year increase of 5.9%, to 67580000000 yen.
Kuraray company achieved sales revenue increased 11.7%, to 222600000000 yen; to achieve net profit year-on-year increase of 8.1%, to 17030000000 yen.
Dong Cao company first half net profit year-on-year decline slightly to 2.8%, to 13700000000 yen; sales revenue increased 5% over the same period, to 384000000000 yen, mainly due to rising export prices and the weaker yen stimulus. The first half of the company's petrochemical business to achieve sales revenue increased 6.2%, to 116600000000 yen, but operating profit year-on-year decline of 34.4%, to 4300000 yen. Dong Cao company said, affected by the planned overhaul device, the first half of propylene, cumene and other olefins sales revenue decline, while the ethylene sales revenue growth, but polyethylene sales revenue decline. The first half of the year business of Chlor Alkali Company Dong Cao achieved sales revenue increased 2% to 137400000000 yen; an operating loss of 500000000 yen, the same period last year operating loss of 838000000 yen.
India do well
India Petroleum Company Sinopec cut-off business in September 30th second quarter of this fiscal year to achieve sales revenue increased 38% over the same period, to 53430000000 rupees ($867000000). This year first half of the year to achieve sales revenue increased 27% over the same period, to 103600000000 rupees.
India's Tata chemicals in the fiscal second quarter ended September 30th

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