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Methanol industry complex

Website:   Release Time: 2014-12-18

Since this year, China's methanol industry market trend is not good, the industry is facing production growth fast, steady decline in exports, imports, port high inventory, prices are falling, low operating rate of excess capacity, industry situation. In this situation, the new version of "environmental protection law" will be implemented from January 1, 2015, will to the environmental cost of methanol industry improve increased, then the original industry concentration lower methanol manufacturing industry will usher in a reshuffle, small and medium-sized enterprises is expected to be eliminated. In this situation, recommended that banks should hold moderate intervention attitude toward methanol industry, especially for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises should take a cautious attitude. For not supporting the enterprise of environmental protection equipment and new construction projects of methanol production device ban credit.
Methanol prices continue to decline, the industry is not reverse the situation
Since this year, China's poor methanol market trend, prices continue downward, there are no reversed. In East China market of methanol as an example, the continuation of the trend of decline since the beginning of the year begins, the current price is at the beginning of the year compared fell by 21.79%-30.52%.
According to price monitoring data show that, at the beginning of 2014 11, Jiangsu methanol market around 2400-2450 yuan / ton. As of November 20, 2014, the Jiangsu area of methanol price in the 2300-2310 yuan / ton, the price is the lowest level since 2011. Months of domestic methanol market basically maintained low operation situation.
At present, although the local area industry present situation of turmoil, but the overall industry is not a complete reversal of the situation now, banks need to carefully look at the methanol industry.
Methanol complex application problems, industry concentration is low
Methanol industry faces overcapacity, lack of capacity utilization situation
China's methanol is currently faced with high output growth, export import is stable, low, port high inventory, prices are falling, and the downstream demand has not yet fully developed situation, makes the methanol industry in the supply pressure low operating rate is not reduced, industry overcapacity, situation.
Since 2014, the domestic methanol production capacity continues to increase, the domestic methanol co production 1-10 months near thousand tons, the total capacity of more than 65000000 tons. The domestic methanol starts this year to maintain in 55% above or near to maintain rapid growth, yield. In 2014 September the domestic output of 3450000 tons, the month year-on-year increase of 34%, 1-9 month accumulative total output 28070000 tons, the cumulative year-on-year increase of 30.9%.
Methanol industry industrial concentration is low, is not conducive to improve efficiency in the industry
China's methanol industry industrial concentration is not high. In recent years, China's methanol production enterprises to maintain the large and small scale of the common development of the situation, although has already formed some scale of large enterprises, but the production of small and medium enterprises in China still many methanol, and the layout is relatively dispersed, not conducive to the commercial methanol centralized storage, transportation and processing, but also not conducive to environmental protection, safety etc. supervision.
As of 2014 11 at the beginning of the month, China's methanol production scale of enterprises in the above 500000 tons for 40, accounted for about 20% of the total number of enterprises, involving an annual production capacity of 34510000 tons, accounting for the national total production capacity of 55%. at present, China's methanol production capacity of more than 1000000 tons of enterprises around 12.
Methanol industry new potential is still large, the layout of the development to the resource area
Methanol production capacity and output of our country still have to resource area development trend. In 2014 1~11 month, new construction and expansion device in Northwest China has been put into production of about 4800000 tons, the late still there is no lack of new projects; in addition to the outside, China north, Shandong, East China and other places there are also part of the project, incomplete statistics data show that the methanol project plans have seven or eight million tons of late. In addition, the production of small and medium enterprises in China methanol are mainly distributed in Shanxi, Henan, Hebei etc..
The technical level of some enterprises is backward, weak competitiveness of industry
The accumulation of contradictions and problems of domestic long-term extensive mode of development is more outstanding, some enterprises from foreign coal as raw material, or the use of low efficiency by use of traditional resources, expanding to the amount to win capacity, poor quality of industry development, the industry's overall competitiveness is weak. While the foreign natural gas resources in the country to export oriented, with cheap natural gas and oil associated gas as raw material development of large natural gas methanol, has remarkable advantage of cost competition. The impact of foreign low cost of methanol on the Chinese market will exist for a long time.
There are differences in business management, natural gas to methanol enterprise survival worrying
The raw material for methanol comes mainly from coal, natural gas and coke oven gas. Because the factors by domestic and foreign economic downward influence, coal prices continue to decline, in addition, preparation of methanol from coke oven gas is a by-product of coking enterprises, therefore, coal and coke oven gas to methanol enterprise due to the cost of production is low, the overcapacity situation, the profit of production can be, the industry is expected to have more than 300 yuan per ton profit. While natural gas to methanol enterprise is not, because our country coal much less gas, natural gas has always been tight supply, prices high. But in July this year, China's major gas supply source in the southwest of the natural gas price implementation increases, resulting in gas methanol business worrying, many natural gas methanol enterprise go, corporate profit margins are slim.
The short term industry good long-term prospects may be empty,
Short term: industry will still maintain the current situation of excess production capacity
The short term, the methanol production industry is not good news, the industry still maintained the operating status of the excess capacity, high inventory decline, profitability.
Short term: high environmental requirements will push up the cost of methanol industry
The methanol production belongs to the chemical industry,

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